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Product Details

A-Premium Dark Balsamic TART


Call Karen anytime for additional gift basket options to be picked up, hand delivered or shipped. (630) 534-6457

SKU N/A Category


This aged, dark Balsamic vinegar is perfect for a more tart palate. Very complimentary to tossed salads, marinades, and fruit salads. A wonderful crispness to this 12 year-old (condimento) pairs so well with the Tuscan Herb and EVOO’s, among others. If you want something in the middle of sweet and tart, call us and we can blend a 50/50 for you. Half of this A-Premium and half of our Traditional. Just call Karen, 630-306-0283.

Additional information

Bottle Size

-375 ml, -750 ml, '-200 ml