Flavors of Roasted onions and Cilantro. This was a sleeper for us at first. Now we cannot do without it. Fantastic for slathering on poultry before roasting. I also love it on potatoes. Put sliced potatoes in zip lock baggie, coat with this oil, and sprinkle with DRY Ranch seasoning, garlic powder and shaker Parmesan. Bake on higher heat until browned. Do the same thing for croutons. BEST EVER. Lots of our friends use it on fish. Pair with Black Currant, Sicilian Lemon, and 18-Year Traditional Balsamic Vinegars. Great for marinades. It is fantastic mixed into ground turkey meat. Add this oil along with some shaker parm, S & P. Make into patties, press more cheese onto both sides and then saute in this oil. Super easy and healthy.